Title: Modern Family. Rating: PG. Pairing: ChanSoo Disclaimer: I own practically everything - except for EXO - and unfortunately for me, that includes my horrid mistakes too. Summary: what's in a name, by which- oh, whatever.
Title: When in doubt, listen. Rating: pg. Pairing: KrisBaek Warning: word vomit + practically plotless? idek. Disclaimer: I own nothing but my mistake and the miniscule plot that's somewhere inside the story. Length: 1,751 words.
Note #1: this was made at 3AM kst and written only on four hours of sleep. Note #2: ChanSoo parents!verse series that I am currently working on. Note #3: There are a lot of mistakes - have not been proof-read and mistakes are made, here and there. ( Chanyeol is not dense. Just painfully oblivious sometimes. )
Title: Xiao Lu + Baozi = family. Pairing: XiuHan | LuMin Rating: G Genre: Fluff, Humour Words: 710w. A/N: I swear I wasn't high on chocolate chip cookies when I wrote this. (I think).
Title: Fortune Cookies. Pairing: KaiSoo | KaDi Rating: PG Genre: Fluff, Humour Length: 624 words. A/N: messed up the grammars. Couldn’t be bothered to fix them at the moment.